Cigar Professionals Blog

It’s a light cigar, with a delicate but flavourful aroma, round in the mouth with a fresh hint of wood. The aftertaste remains gentle with a slight spiciness. The wrapper originates from Ecuador, the binder fromJava. The tobacco is a perfect blend from the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Java and Brazil. To put it simply: this cigar is half an hour of pure delight. The pleasure already starts on opening the cigar. The practical holder contains two cigars protected in a metal case. Enjoy the perfect break for only €3.

Our eye fell on the Dominican Republic: a country with an infallible tobacco reputation and tradition, in the heart of the Caribbean, America's very backyard. Opportunities galore! The business plan was rolled out post haste: establishing the company, aligning the time schedules of the contractors and the suppliers, and setting up the organization. With support from Belgium and Sri Lanka, we worked literally day and night to transform UTP-DR into a new state-of-the-art factory. The client expects nothing less than the quality and service they have been accustomed to from UTP - Sri Lanka.

The first bobbins are already rolling towards the customer. In true Cortèsien spirit, UTP-DR wants to give everyone a taste of the Dominican Republic, the land of rum and cigars.

 Follow @utpdr on Instagram for the latest news.

Belgian family business J. Cortès recently signed an agreement for acquisition of the USA-based Oliva Cigars family business with branches in Miami and Nicaragua. With this acquisition, J. Cortès aims to diversify its product portfolio and further establish its position in the worldwide market. The combined annual turnover equals 100 million dollar. A family business firmly branching out in two continents, is unprecedented in the cigar industry.