Cigar Professionals Blog

With this acquisition we wanted to expand our diversity and consolidate our position in the global cigar market. We presented the premium hand rolled Oliva and NUB cigars for the first time in Cannes and again we did so by means of our VR movie.


Visitors were able take a seat in a giant NUB-shaped cigar and put on the customized VR headset. All their senses were triggered while they were swept away by an adventure about both families and the production of the best cigars in the world. An aroma of cigars was atomized around the spectators and they even received a real cigar right on the moment when... Well, actually you should see it for yourself!


Watch the hilarious reactions of some spectators here.



We were represented by some of our finest: Export Managers Jules Pauwels and Tissa Dissanayaka stood shoulder to shoulder with Commercial Director, Peter Struber and Travel Retail Coordinator, Thomas Gryson.


This year, we continue to focus on our ‘Travel Retail Exclusive Neos Selection 50’ cigars. Their luxurious tin case is a real eye-catcher, which in turn is wrapped in a cloth sleeve. To add icing on the cake, customers will receive a gift when purchasing this winning combination.


With our Neos Flavor Collection, we are concentrating on the cigar and cigarillo markets of Asia, Europe, the Middle East and America. You could tell that visitors to our stand certainly had a hard time making a choice.

Gawith Hoggarth is the main UK distributor of J.Cortès and Neos cigars and cigarillos, with Tor Imports in charge of the UK distribution of the newly acquired Oliva, Nub and Cain cigars.


To demonstrate how much we appreciate their work and to express the importance to us of all our future cooperation, face to face contact is absolutely vital. That of course includes a Belgian biscuit from a Belgian factory (and also part of the J.Cortès holding): Jules Destrooper.