Cigar Professionals Blog

The trend is clearly visible in Europe. The market for flavored cigarillos is growing exponentially. It’s not only future connoisseurs, but also traditional cigar savants who are succumbing to the temptation of a cigar with an extra flavor. 


The Cappriccio is a medium flavored cigar with a carbon filter and a reduced tobacco impact. This makes the coffee flavor more prominent. Our new friends are available in metal tubes, packed per 20 or per 5.

Feel like having one now? Don't hesitate in putting them to the test!

You can enjoy four of our signature cigars, each characterized by a specific flavor and character:


J.Cortès High Class 2

J.Cortès Honduras Tubes 2

J.Cortès Dominican Tubes 2

J.Cortès Mini Robusto 5


This quartet was presented to the public at the Tokyo Smoking Collection Fair on the 18th and 19th of October. Cigar aficionados were extremely enthusiastic, which resulted in a huge order of no less than 3,640 J.Cortès Tubes and 1,925 Mini Robustos. We’ll be back for more that much is certain!


Once more, we would like to express our gratitude to our team for their splendid cooperation with ITC Japan.

The label is awarded by Great Place to Work®, an organization active in no less than 46 countries. Every year, the organization awards the best workplaces in every country. The team relies on data from 16,000 employees, working in 15 different industries. To accomplish this feat, Great Place to Work teams up with business magazine AMD and the Belgian Chamber of Commerce. 


The study in Sri Lanka clearly exemplifies that our UTP workforce is a happy workforce. “J.Cortès represents teamwork and a pleasant ambiance between the employees and the management. This label is a pat on the back that tells us that we are doing well and moving in the right direction”, CEO Frederik Vandermarliere proudly commented.