Cigar Professionals Blog

Our Neos-products got an honourable spot in a display tower which caught the attention of various customers of our loyal US partner, JC Newman. This is where one can truly feel the spirit of America; this is the place to be if we want to get our Neos en J. Cortès cigars on the shelves of every single Duty Free shop in America.

Our tobacco experts selected a specific combination of burley giving those cigars a nutty and soft round flavour. This burley is specifically grown in Spain, France and Italy. With this new asset we are tailoring to the evolution of our customer’s taste. The Authentic is also the first in the Amigos family to be dressed in a new outfit. Soon all the Amigos members will get an entire new look. 

This year we’re taking you along on a true Cortesien trip. Our logo will be getting a little festive makeover and our programme will be filled to the brim with all kinds of events and surprises. We’re still a proud supporter of the #savecigars campaign, in which we stress the difference between cigarettes and cigars and the importance of the cigar’s survival. With our new website and newsletter (every 3 months) we’d like to share that smoking love with you.