Cigar Professionals Blog

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your closest Cortesien. Please keep using the #savecigars in your communication. The petition can still be found online on where we continue to fight for our rights as a tobacco producer.

Our over 2.000 local Cortesiens welcome you at their new UTP factory - take a virtual tour!

The Neos 10 Family consists of 10 cigars in a stylish little tin box. Every colour stands for a different flavour.The Flight Pack contains 5 colours, so you can always have a smoke that matches your fancy.This smoking hot Neos 10 Family Flight Pack can be found exclusively in travel retail business. Now that’s what we call a good excuse for a trip! The DFNI Product Awards target marketing initiatives, new shops and product launches in the luxury industry i.e. tobacco, liquor, wine, jewellery, watches and leather goods. Have a look at our brand new certificate.